Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Straight after an uncomplicated birth your healthcare team will do some checks, cut the umbilical cord and give you time to bond with your baby skin-to-skin. More complex births, such as a caesarian section, may mean follow-up procedures and time in recovery before you go to the maternity ward.
  • If you give birth at home, your midwife will stay with you until they are confident that you and your baby are stable.
  • Your body will start adjusting quickly after birth, but common issues include bleeding, cramps, swelling, sore breasts and issues with urination and bowel movements. Emotional changes are normal, especially three to four days after birth.
  • Breastfeeding is best for newborn health and you can access support at hospital or home for advice about breastfeeding.
  • Create a safe sleeping environment for your baby. Ask your midwife or maternal and child health nurse how to do this.
  • There are documents to complete to register the birth and apply for parenting support, and there are community healthcare support services that you can access when you get home.
  • Most hospitals will offer a home-visit from a midwife within the first week of being at home with your new baby.

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Reviewed on: 17-09-2024